Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
The Phonological History of the Quichean Languages 
Year: 1972 
Through Five Republics on Horseback: Being an Account of Many Wanderings in South America 
Edition: 16th edition revised. 
Year: 1920 
The Integration of the Indigenous Peoples of the Territory of Roraima, Brazil 
Year: 1978 
Tradiçõnes Histórico-Lendárias dos Kachuyana e Kah.Yana 
Year: 1955 
The Forest Within: The World-view of the Tukano Amazonian Indians 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 0952730200 
ISBN 13: 9780952730200 
The Art of Nahuatl Speech: The Bancroft Dialogues 
Edition: Printed in binder 
Volume: 65 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 0879030658 
ISBN 13: 9780879030650 
The Piaroa: A People of the Orinoco Basin: A Study in Kinship and Marriage - Excerpt 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1975 
ISBN: 019823189X 
ISBN 13: 9780198231899 
The Kaminaljuyu Chiefdom 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1979 
ISBN: 0271002247 
ISBN 13: 9780271002248 
The Speech Chain; the Physics and Biology of Spoken Language 
Year: 1963 
Thought and Language 
Year: 1971