Results for "W"

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  Title Copies
Workbook in Descriptive Linguistics 
Year: 1955 
ISBN: 0030055857 
ISBN 13: 9780030055850 
Waferinaipe ianheke: a sabedoria dos nossos antepassados : histórias dos Hohodene e dos Walipere-Dakenai do rio Aiari 
Volume: 191 
Year: 1999 
Websters II New Riverside Dictionary 
Edition: Rei 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 042510267X 
ISBN 13: 9780425102671 
Wadewayestanih: A Cayuga Teaching Grammar 
Edition: 2 
Year: 2015 
ISBN: 1500820016 
ISBN 13: 9781500820015 
What is Ethnography? 
Volume: 45 
Year: 1978 
Where Does the Linguistic Variable Stop? A Response to Beatriz Lavandera 
Volume: 44 
Year: 1978 
Where Does the Sociolinguistic Variable Stop? 
Volume: 40 
Year: 1977 
When Navajos Had Too Many Sheep: The 1940s 
Year: 1974 
ISBN: 0913436135 
ISBN 13: 9780913436134 
Why Buzzard is a Longer 
Year: 2006 
Why the North Star Stands Still 
Year: 2006 
Series: A Paiute Tale