Results for "S"

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  Title Copies
Studies in Mesoamerican Linguistics 
Year: 1983 
Studies in the Athapaskan Languages 
Summa Anthropologica en Homenaje a Roberto J. Weitlaner 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1966 
Sanapia: Comanche Medicine Woman 
Year: 1972 
Structural Elements of the Language of the Crow Indians of Montana 
Edition: 1st 
Volume: 14 
Year: 1967 
Serian, Tequistlatecan, and Hokan 
Year: 1915 
Shoshonean Dialects of California 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1907 
Supplement to WORD: Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York 
Year: 1964 
Supplement to WORD: Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York 
Year: 1961 
Sign Language Among North American Indians 
Year: 2011 
ISBN: 0486419487 
ISBN 13: 9780486419480