English, Choctaw, Navajo, Navaho, Papago, Languages, Linguistics, Teaching, Education Teaching English to Speakers of Choctaw, Navajo and Papago: A Contrastive Approach

Ohannessian ( Sirarpi Ohannessian )
Gage ( William W. Gage )
Publication Year
This article, the first of three in the Bureau of Indian Affairs' "Curriculum Guide Number 6," edited by Sirarpi Ohannessian and William Gage of The Center for Applied Linguistics, is an attempt "to help break the language barrier" which exists for the many Choctaw children who lack proper skill in speaking English. Some Choctaw children know no English upon entering school; others know a little, or speak it as a first language learned from Choctaw-speaking parents. For these children it is necessary, the author feels, to teach English as a second language, emphasizing the oral skills. The simplified analysis of English and Choctaw presented in this paper contrasts important features of the two languages, and points out for the classroom teacher certain sounds and grammatical structures which can be expected to be the most difficult for Choctaw students learning English. Facial diagrams and detailed explanations illustrate how to teach the students to pronounce difficult sounds. Examples of different pattern drills, some of which may be used as games, are suggested for teaching difficult grammar points. This paper is prefaced by a discussion of problems pertinent to second language learning and teaching by the editors, and concludes with a bibliography of references of special interest to the teacher. See related documents AL 002 290 and AL 002 291. (AMM) 
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